Server Reliability: The Rule of Nines

After a little, er, let’s call it discussion I had with a certain supplier recently, I decided to write down a few words on server reliability and how to measure and understand it. Like so many things that touch statistics it is very easy to take statements like “99.7% reliability” at face value without understanding its […]

A Raspberry Pi File and Print Server

I was recently looking into the options to buy a living room “home server” to centralize certain services like file and print server, media server, etc. It didn’t take me long to realize that for less money I could get a whole legion of small microcomputers that do the same work better and more securely; […]

Local Environment Chat (LEChat)

Time to mention a little project I’m working on since a while: A simple chat interface that will run inside your web browser (read: made in JavaScript) in combination with a server that can run under OpenWRT, which in turn means it can run on your old router at home. Yes, no dedicated server needed.