Irrtümer und Trugschlüsse

[de] Wer mich kennt, weiß, dass ich mich seit längerem mit einem Themenbereich beschäftige, den man im Englischen mit dem schönen Wort „fallacies“ umschreibt. Dieser Ausdruck umfasst einen weiten Bereich der Denkfehler, Fehlschlüsse und unfairen rhetorischen Mittel und hat eigentlich keine Entsprechung in der deutschen Sprache.

The problem with <abbr> …

This is an essay on the proper markup for abbreviations and acronyms in HTML. If was first published as a series of posts on Yammer, but since we will discontinue the use of that tool, I thought I rather save it over here (it’s probably more accessible here anyways). A word of warning: this is […]


If you don’t know what XSLT is and how to use it, go away. This here is not for you.

Server Reliability: The Rule of Nines

After a little, er, let’s call it discussion I had with a certain supplier recently, I decided to write down a few words on server reliability and how to measure and understand it. Like so many things that touch statistics it is very easy to take statements like “99.7% reliability” at face value without understanding its […]

A First Look at Swift: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

This is a first look at Swift, Apple’s new programming language for MacOS and iOS development, which is still in Beta and thus by the time you are reading this, some of the bugs or features discussed here may have changed. Also, while I have worked with a couple of programming languages over the years, […]

Guitar Builder Project: “Blue Jay”

About a year ago I started to play guitar again. At that time I got myself a nice black Squier Deluxe Strat (named “Black Bess” by me), which is actually a good guitar for a very reasonable price. Of course, once you start with this, you also begin to have an eye on other types […]

Media Centers: Raspberry Pi vs. Apple TV

It is hard to oversee the Raspberry Pi community’s enthusiasm for the XBMC media center software: no less than three software distributions are available and there are endless forums, tutorials. No surprise then that I had to try some of them (and decided to stay with Raspbmc) and this became a permanent feature of my […]

A Raspberry Pi File and Print Server

I was recently looking into the options to buy a living room “home server” to centralize certain services like file and print server, media server, etc. It didn’t take me long to realize that for less money I could get a whole legion of small microcomputers that do the same work better and more securely; […]

Pocket Calculator

Here’s another weekend-project. Actually it’s more an “interface study”, but a fully functional calculator app. It is all based around the thought: why does the “Calculator” app on my computer still look like a hardware pocket calculator from the 1950’s? Why doesn’t it render the formula like a proper formula editor? Why can’t I enter […]