Java Cheat Sheet

Für alle, die Java lernen wollen, und keinen Platz mehr für noch einen 1000-Seiten-Wälzer im Bücherschrank haben (oder denen es auch einfach an Zeit und Lust mangelt, sich durch solch einen Katalog hindurchzuarbeiten), habe ich eine ganz, ganz kurze Einführung geschrieben: das Acrobat/PDF Document Java Cheat Sheet. Continue reading

The Nil Interpreter

Well, for those of you who don’t know it: The Nil Programming Language is a programmer’s joke I came up with some time ago. Well, there’s not much to it except that I always thought it’s an example that you shouldn’t use a computer after a couple of beers 🙂

Now, it seems some people thought it was funny. I even heard of some teachers using it as an example (must be a negative example, methinks 😉 but when I bumped into this website I couldn’t believe my eyes: This guy actually wrote a fully functional Nil Interpreter. Cool!


realXML is an (almost) complete XML parser and event router (formerly known as rXML), completely written in pure REALbasic code without any declares or external libraries. Continue reading

RB Debug Object

If you need to track what’s going on in your RB-App, this is the way to go. It simply implements the “Debug.Print” method and logs the messages to a floating window, a text file – or (OS X only) to the system console. All of this works cross-platform and is as customizable as it’s “Plug and play”. Continue reading


This program backs up any REALbasic project file in regular intervalls, so you can easily go back to a previous version if necessary. Since this has proven to be quite handy even for some other files (Photoshop works well!), I spiced it up a bit and made it public. Continue reading


Ever got letter soup and don’t know how to clean it up?

TextConverter offers an easy and user friendly interface to your Macintosh’s text encoding converter functions. Additionally, it features an html-entity converter and an option to define your own custom encoding. Continue reading

Mac Fortune

This is a simple Mac-like port of the U*ix “fortune” command line tool. It includes the original fortune database so there’s no lack of geeky saying for every day. Continue reading